This resource pack is everything you need to assess and provide intervention for struggling 2nd grade students in the domain: Measurement and Data.
How do these intervention packs work?
Starting with a pretest and item analysis of each question on the test, you will be able to pin-point exact needs of all students. From there printables and short assessments are provided for each standard that assess procedural and conceptual understanding. Data charts and documents are provided to help keep you organized and focused during all steps of the intervention process.
Take the guess work out of providing intervention and focus on what is really important… helping your students!
Measurement and Data Topics Covered
➥ 2.MD.1 – Measure the length of an object in standard units
➥ 2.MD.2 – Measure the length of an object twice, using length units of different lengths for the two measurements
➥ 2.MD.3 – Estimate lengths in using standard units of inches, feet, yards, centimeters, and meters
➥ 2.MD.4 – Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another, expressing the length difference in terms of a standard length unit
➥ 2.MD.5 – Use addition and subtraction, within 100, to solve word problems involving lengths that are given in the same units
➥ 2.MD.6 – Represent whole numbers as lengths from 0 on a number line diagram
➥ 2.MD.7 – Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.
➥ 2.MD.8 – Word problems with money
➥ 2.MD.9 – Interpreting data on a line plot
➥ 2.MD.10 – Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to four categories.
What is procedural understanding?
✓ Houses practice of procedural steps
✓ Requires facts, drills, algorithms, methods, etc.
✓ Based on memorizing steps
✓ Students are learning how to do something
What is conceptual understanding?
✓ Understanding key concepts and apply prior knowledge to the new concepts
✓ Understanding why something is done
✓ Making connections & relationships
Check out the resources in our Math Intervention Line to fit all your needs!
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 3rd Grade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
3rd Grade Place Value 3.NBT
Number and Operation in Base Ten
➥ 3.NB.1 – Place value concepts
➥ 3.NBT.2 – Adding & subtracting whole numbers
➥ 3.NBT.3 – Multiplying numbers
3rd Grade Algebraic Thinking 3.OA
Operations & Algebraic Thinking
➥ 3.OA.1 – Interpreting products of whole numbers
➥ 3.OA.2 – Interpreting quotients of whole numbers
➥ 3.OA.3 – Use multiplication and division to solve word problems
➥ 3.OA.4 – Determining unknown numbers in a multiplication or division equation
➥ 3.OA.5 – Apply properties of operations to multiply and divide
➥ 3.OA.6 – Understand division as an unknown-factor problem.
➥ 3.OA.7 – Fluently multiply and divide within 100
➥ 3.OA.8 – Solve two-step word problems using the four operations.
➥ 3.OA.9 – Understanding patterns on a multiplication chart
3rd Grade Fractions 3.NF
Number and Operation – Fractions
➥ 3.NF.1 – Understanding fractions
➥ 3.NF.2 – Understanding fractions on number lines
➥ 3.NF.3 – Equivalent fractions and comparing fractions
3rd Grade Measurement & Data 3.MD
Measurement and Data
➥ 3.MD.1 – Understanding time
➥ 3.MD.2 – measuring and understanding liquid volume and mass
➥ 3.MD.3 – Picture graphs
➥ 3.MD.4 – Measuring length and using line plots
➥ 3.MD.5 – Understanding area
➥ 3.MD.6 – Measuring area
➥ 3.MD.7 – Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.
➥ 3.MD.8 – Word problems with area and perimeter
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 4th Grade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
4th Grade Place Value 4.NBT
Number and Operation in Base Ten
➥ 4.NB.1 – Place Value Concepts
➥ 4.NBT.2 – Number Form, Word Form, Expanded Form, and Comparing of whole numbers
➥ 4.NBT.3 – Rounding multi-digit whole numbers
➥ 4.NBT.4 – Adding & Subtracting Whole Numbers
➥ 4.NBT.5 – Multiplying whole numbers
➥ 4.NBT.6 – Dividing whole numbers
4th Algebraic Thinking 4.OA
Operations & Algebraic Thinking
➥ 4.OA.1 – Interpreting multiplication equations
➥ 4.OA.2 – Multiplying and dividing word problems
➥ 4.OA.3 – Solving multistep word problems, including interpreting remainders
➥ 4.OA.4 – Factors and multiples, Identifying prime and composite numbers within 100
4th Grade Fractions 4.NF
Number and Operation – Fractions
➥ 4.NF.1 – Equivalent fractions
➥ 4.NF.2 – Comparing fractions
➥ 4.NF.3 – Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators, decomposing fractions, adding and subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators
➥ 4.NF. 4 – Multiplying a fraction by a whole number
➥ 4.NF.5 – Adding and subtracting fractions with denominators of 10 and 100
➥ 4.NF.6 – Decimal notation for fractions with denominators of 10 and 100
➥ 4.NF.7 – Comparing decimals to hundredths
4th Grade Measurement & Data 4.MD
Measurement and Data
➥ 4.MD.1 – Measurement and converting measurement with the customary and metric systems of length, weight, mass, liquid volume, and time
➥ 4.MD.2 – Solving measurement word problems
➥ 4.MD.3 – Area and perimeter of rectangles
➥ 4.MD.4 – Line plots
➥ 4.MD.5 – Angles within a circle
➥ 4.MD.6 – Measuring angles with a protractor
➥ 4.MD.7 – Additive angle measurement, decomposing angles
4th Grade Geometry 4.G
➥ 4.G.1 – Identifying points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular and parallel lines in 2D shapes
➥ 4.G.2 – Classifying 2D figures, types of triangles
➥ 4.G.3 – Symmetry
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 5th Grade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
5th Grade Place Value 5.NBT
Number and Operation in Base Ten
➥ 5.NB.1 – Place value concepts
➥ 5.NBT.2 – Multiplying and dividing by powers of 10
➥ 5.NBT.3 – Number Form, Word Form, Expanded Form, and Comparing of decimals
➥ 5.NBT.4 – Rounding decimals
➥5.NBT.5 – Multiplying multi-digit numbers
➥5.NBT.6 – Dividing whole numbers
➥ 5.NBT.7 – Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals
5th Algebraic Thinking 5.OA
Operations & Algebraic Thinking
➥ 5.OA.1 – Order of operations (including parenthesis, brackets, and braces)
➥ 5.OA.2 – Expressions
➥ 5.OA.3 – Patterns and Coordinate Grids
5th Grade Fractions 5.NF
Number and Operation – Fractions
➥ 5.NF.1 – Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
➥ 5.NF.2 – Fraction word problems
➥ 5.NF.3 – Connecting fractions with division
➥ 5.NF. 4 – Multiplying a fraction by a whole number or another fraction
➥ 5.NF.5 – Interpret multiplication as scaling
➥ 5.NF.6 – Fraction word problems including mixed numbers
➥ 5.NF.7 – Dividing fractions
5th Grade Measurement & Data 5.MD
Measurement and Data
➥ 5.MD.1 – Measurement and converting measurement with the customary and metric systems of length, weight, mass, liquid volume, and time
➥ 5.MD.2 – Line plots
➥ 5.MD.3 – Understanding volume
➥5.MD.4 – Measuring volume
➥ 5.MD.5 – Volume word problems
5th Grade Geometry 5.G
➥ 5.G.1 – Understanding coordinate grids
➥ 5.G.2 – Interpreting coordinate grids
➥ 5.G.3 – Understanding the attributes of 2D shapes
➥ 5.G.4 – Classifying quadrilaterals