This resource pack is everything you need to assess and provide intervention for struggling 1st grade students in the domain: Measurement and Data.
How do these intervention packs work?
Starting with a pretest and item analysis of each question on the test, you will be able to pin-point exact needs of all students. From there printables and short assessments are provided for each standard that assess procedural and conceptual understanding. Data charts and documents are provided to help keep you organized and focused during all steps of the intervention process.
Take the guess work out of providing intervention and focus on what is really important… helping your students!
Measurement and Data Topics Covered
➥ 1.MD.1 – Order objects by length
➥ 1.MD.2 – Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units, by laying multiple copies of a shorter object
➥ 1.MD.3 – Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks
➥ 1.MD.4 – Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories
What is procedural understanding?
✓ Houses practice of procedural steps
✓ Requires facts, drills, algorithms, methods, etc.
✓ Based on memorizing steps
✓ Students are learning how to do something
What is conceptual understanding?
✓ Understanding key concepts and apply prior knowledge to the new concepts
✓ Understanding why something is done
✓ Making connections & relationships
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