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Week 4 – Providing Opportunities for Student Practice with Peers


Students learn from one another. One of the most underused teaching strategies is peer coaching. If done properly misconceptions and clarification can be given to students in a peer setting. You are one person. You are grossly outnumbered in a classroom. As educators we want to be everywhere and help all, but we physically can’t.

I want activities that are quick, simple, and effective. I opt to use weekly fluency games so students can collaborate with one another and I can pull students that need more intensive instruction with fluency. The games usually last no more than 15 -20 minutes and everyone is productively working.

I also use fluency chats daily. Fluency chats are initiated with prompts that focus on building number sense. They can be used in partner or group settings to facilitate discussion amongst peers.

Student interaction will make your job easier. My Math Fluency Alternative Curriculum has ready to go activities for grades 4-5. Click here to see more about this product.