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The New Merge Cube…Worth the Hype?


If you’re on Instagram you have probably seen the Merge Cube somewhere in your feed. Here are my thoughts as an educator on the Merge cube.


The Merge Cube is designed by the company Merge Virtual Reality. Their mission is to create virtual reality toys that are creative and offer educational value. The Merge Cube is a small holographic object that you can hold. Depending on what apps you download on your phone the cube will project 3D images that you can view thru your phone’s camera. This toy can be purchased online via Amazon (for $9.99), but I found my Merge Cube at my local Wal-Mart for $1.00.

The Apps

There are a lot of apps that are compatible with Merge Cube, but most do not carry a HUGE educational component to it. There is a fantastic app for viewing the solar system and parts of the human body such as the heart and brain, but most do not contain an educational component. These two apps provide enough value to justify the $1.00 I spent on the cube, but I would be lying if I didn’t say I wish there were more educational resources for the Merge Cube. Click the link below to view a demo video.

Merge Demo

If you want to use the Merge Cube in your classroom beyond curriculum purposes, there are apps that have logic and maze puzzles that would be perfect for behavior rewards. Merge Cubes are fun and your students will love the technology component. There are paid apps, and a lot of free ones too. If you choose to purchase a paid app you can link multiple devices to one account.

Bottom Line

If you’re lucky enough to find these cubes at Wal-Mart for a dollar each, pick up a few for your classroom. It sounds like this product is in its early stages, so I’m excited to see what apps will be launching in the future.