
Math Intervention 7th Grade Binder | A YEAR LONG RTI PROGRAM BUNDLE

Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $28.00.

Total Pages: 400+
File Size: 12 MB


This resource pack is everything you need to assess and provide intervention for struggling 7th grade students in all five math domains.

How do these intervention packs work?
Starting with a pretest and item analysis of each question on the test, you will be able to pin-point exact needs of all students. From there printables and short assessments are provided for each standard that assess procedural and conceptual understanding. Data charts and documents are provided to help keep you organized and focused during all steps of the intervention process.

Take the guess work out of providing intervention and focus on what is really important… helping your students!

Looking for extensive graphing forms to help you stay organized during the RTI process? Check out our form Intervention Graphing Packs!

Standards & Topics Covered

Ratio and Proportions

  • 7.RP.1 – Compute ratios
  • 7.RP.2 – Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities
  • 7.RP.3 – Use scale factors and unit rates in proportional relationships to solve ratio and percent problems

The Number System

  • 7.NS.1 – Addition and subtraction of rational numbers
  • 7.NS.2 – Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division
  • 7.NS.3 – Solve real world problems with rational numbers

Expressions and Equations

  • 7.EE.1 – Generating equivalent expressions with rational coefficients
  • 7.EE.2 – Understand that equivalent expressions can reveal real-world and mathematical relationships
  • 7.EE.3 – Solve multi-step real-world and mathematical problems posed with rational numbers in algebraic expressions
  • 7.EE.4 – Use variables to represent quantities to solve real-world or mathematical problems


  • 7.G.1 – Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
  • 7.G.2 – Understanding and classifying triangles
  • 7.G.3 – Describe the two-dimensional figures
  • 7.G.4 – Understand area and circumference of a circle.
  • 7.G.5 – Angles
  • 7.G.6 – Area, perimeter, and volume of various shapes

Statistics and Probability

  • 7.SP.1 – Understanding statistics
  • 7.SP.2 – Generate multiple random samples
  • 7.SP.3 – Recognize the role of variability when comparing two populations
  • 7.SP.4 – Use measures of center and measures of variability for numerical data from random samples to draw comparative inferences about two populations
  • 7.SP.5 – Understand that the probability of a chance event is a number between 0 and 1 that expresses the likelihood of the event occurring
  • 7.SP.6 – Experimental probability
  • 7.SP.7 – Develop a probability model and use it to find probabilities of simple events
  • 7.SP.8 – Determine probabilities of compound events using organized lists, tables, tree diagrams, and simulation

What is procedural understanding?
✓ Houses practice of procedural steps
✓ Requires facts, drills, algorithms, methods, etc.
✓ Based on memorizing steps
✓ Students are learning how to do something

What is conceptual understanding?
✓ Understanding key concepts and apply prior knowledge to the new concepts
✓ Understanding why something is done
✓ Making connections & relationships